Thurston Nature Center Committee
April 16, 1996 meeting minutes, 7:00 PM

Attendees: Bill Ackerman, Jim Breck, Beth Caldwell, Diana Dyer, Stephanie Gavinsky, Tim Markel, Liz McKenney, Bill Phillips

1. Upcoming meetings will be (7:00 p.m. at the Thurston School library):
May 21, Jun. 11

2. Regarding the Masters Projects in UM SNRE: Five students signed up to work on a management plan for the Thurston Nature Center (TNC)--Kim Ennett, Stephanie Gavinsky, Joe Howard, Elizabeth McKenney and Sally Moore. Most of the work will be done during the fall of 1996.

A brief overview of their objectives was presented. They are attempting to provide a comprehensive management plan, including community feedback, educational uses and a comparison with other urban nature centers. They also intend to address purple loostrife and poison ivy control, maps, a management guideline booket, resource bibliography and monitoring recommendations, among other things. Also, as mentioned in previous minutes, they will include landscaping recommendations for the Orchard Hills Athletic Club fence area. A more comprehensive outline of the project was distributed.

The Masters students can be reached at 763-4231 or

3. The Van Leer�s have erected the purple martin house and are playing calls on a loudspeaker from their house. The first arrivals are expected soon.

4. Jim Harding of MSU will be giving a talk on Michigan turtles on April 25, 1996. Information went out in the Thurston newsletter and was mentioned at the last Clague PTSO meeting. An honorarium of $50 plus travel expenses from Okemos was agreed upon.

5. The Thurston Nature Center is on the Thurston School World Wide Web home page, Jim Breck has added the information from Mike Conboy�s updated TNC brochure. Future plans for the website will include these meeting minutes.

6. Jim Breck reported that Bob Grese (UM SNRE) agreed to help with a prairie burn this spring. He will provide guidance on getting a permit just before the burn.

7. The spring work day is proposed for May 4, 1996. Wood chips will be ordered.

8. Beth Caldwell will be leading wildflower walks on April 20 and May 4 at 1:00 pm.

9. Bill Stapp sent an e-mail message regarding his book plans.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Ackerman

Thurston Nature Center | Committee | Meetings

Thurston Nature Center Committee: Minutes of 4/16/96 Meeting; last revised 5/22/96