

Welcome to the Thurston Nature Center. We are located just north of Thurston Elementary School on Prairie Street and on the south side of Bluett Road, across from Clague Middle School in northeast Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan.

The Nature Center is managed by the volunteer Thurston Nature Center Committee, a subcommittee of the PTO at Thurston Elementary School. A Land Use Policy Statement was agreed upon in 2003.

Kids and Wheelbarrel at a Thurston Nature Center Work Day

The area is enjoyed by many people in the community, and school classes have used the nature center as part of Ann Arbor Public Schools’ Environmental Education Program for decades. Fall and Spring Workdays help with trail maintenance and weed control.

Origination and Mission
We originated from a small group of Thurston students led by William Stapp, the national founder of environmental education in the 1960s. It is maintained and mostly funded by volunteer stewards, students and community members. Since then many have come and gone from the committee, each giving of their talents and time to continue to serve and protect the Nature Center.

Species and Habitats
The Nature Center is home to many species of wildlife and is a rest-over location for many migratory birds. We host several habitats, which include the pond, wetlands, oak savanna, prairies, forest and vernal pond. There are several rain gardens and a Monarch Butterfly Waystation located here as well.

Founding and Recognitions
The Thurston Nature Center was designated to be preserved for outdoor and conservation education by the Board of Education of Ann Arbor Public Schools in 1967 making it one of the country’s first environmental education centers. It was then dedicated as a Conservation Education Reserve by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in 1968 and recognized by nationally by Lady Bird Johnson In 2010, the Thurston Nature Center became a National Wildlife Federation Certified Wildlife Habitat. In 2019, Thurston Nature Center received the Washtenaw County Environmental Excellence Award for Water Quality Protection.

Enjoy photos of the Thurston Nature Center’s birds, trees, and flowers.

Award: On March 28, 2019, Thurston Nature Center received the Washtenaw County Environmental Excellence Award for Water Quality Protection. See the News and Events page to read the citation on what TNC has done to protect Thurston Pond, Miller Creek and the Huron River.

The Ann Arbor Public Schools has a news article about TNC, Thurston Elementary, and this award on their District News page.